반값택배 가격 비교 Half price courier price comparison

CU convenience store delivery, GS convenience store delivery (latest half-price delivery price!)

반값택배 가격 비교

• What does half-price delivery mean?
• Half price delivery price
• cu convenience store delivery price
• gs convenience store delivery price
• Comparison of half-price delivery prices between cu convenience store and gs convenience store
• What about half-price delivery service at CU convenience store and GS convenience store?
• How can I make a reservation for half-price delivery at CU convenience store and GS convenience store?
• cu convenience store
• gs convenience store
What does half-price delivery mean?
Half-price delivery refers to delivery service that can be sent from convenience stores at half the price of regular delivery. 반값택배 가격 비교

The reason it is cheap is because it is not delivered directly to your home, but rather goes to a nearby convenience store.

To put it simply, if you send it via CU convenience store courier, the sender sends it from a nearby CU to the recipient’s CU. LOTUSSERENITY
GS convenience store delivery is also delivered from GS near the sender and recipient to GS convenience store.
However, the delivery time is not that different and the price is cheap, so wouldn’t it be worth giving it a try?

(In my case, I received the delivery within 2-3 days!)


We’ll give you all the great information, from the half-price delivery price at each convenience store to how to check and how to get a discount!


half price delivery price
The price of half-price delivery varies depending on weight, and the price varies by convenience store.

Let’s take a look at CU convenience store delivery and GS convenience store delivery!

For reference, if you log in to CU Convenience Store (CU Post) and the gs25 online site in advance, there is always a 200 won discount as shown below in addition to half-price delivery, so be sure to grab it and get a discount.

cu convenience store delivery
cu convenience store delivery
gs convenience store delivery
Source: cu convenience store discount, gs convenience store discount coupon

cu convenience store delivery price
cu half price courier service is also called economical courier service. The price ranges from 1800 won to 2700 won and can be sent if the weight is less than 5kg.

Detailed cu half price courier prices are as follows.

gs convenience store delivery
Source: www cupost co kr


gs convenience store delivery price
GS convenience stores also allow items to arrive in a storage box called box25.

Of course, half-price delivery to a convenience store like cu is also possible, and the price is the same for both.

Please check the table below for detailed rates and details 🙂

gs convenience store half price delivery
cu convenience store delivery
cu half price delivery price
Source: gs25 site


Comparison of half-price delivery prices between cu convenience store and gs convenience store
If the weight of CU or GS or half-price delivery is less than 0.5 kg, the price is the same at 1,800 won.

However, the more weight is added, the difference is about 100 won haha.

I checked the cheap places in red~

Weight cu half price delivery price GS half price delivery price
0kg~0.5kg 1,800 won
0.5kg~1kg 2,100 won 2,200 won
1kg~5kg 2,700 won 2,600 won

What about half-price delivery service at CU convenience store and GS convenience store?
You will receive a notification from the moment you send it via KakaoTalk.

And you can check for half-price delivery through the notification message.

Don’t forget that you must pick up your parcel within 7 days of arrival!

After that, it will be returned, so make sure to check the date before receiving it.



How do I make a reservation for half-price delivery at CU convenience store and GS convenience store?
There is a link below. If you click on it, you will be taken to the convenience store’s online homepage.

After registering as a member, please make a reservation slowly. It’s not difficult!