개인채무 조회 Personal debt inquiry

Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information Inquiry Method

개인채무 조회

Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information Inquiry Method


There is a survey data from a media company that says that more than half of Korean adults are living with financial debt or personal debt. Debt is now a part of our daily life. Debt can also be seen as a way to make money if used well. If you continue to earn money while maintaining a reasonable debt to net worth ratio, no one has a healthier financial situation than this. However, there are many people who suffer from reckless loans. Today, for those who are curious about their personal debt situation, I will share a simple way to inquire personal debt information on the Internet. 개인채무 조회

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information 좋은뉴스

Order of personal debt information inquiry 1
First, you need to visit the government24 webpage to inquire about debt information held by individuals. Government 24 shares personal debt information managed by Korea Asset Management Corporation, providing an Internet service that allows citizens to easily check at any time. This is disclosed by Government 24 along with the Korea Asset Management Corporation’s Household Accounting Support Office. How to use this service starts from now.

Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information
Personal debt information search


If you have entered the Government 24 webpage, the next step is to find and move to a category that provides personal debt information. In the public documents issued on the Internet, which have been introduced several times so far, icons were displayed on frequently searched services, making it easy to use. Enter ‘Personal Debt Information’ in the search term field marked in green and press Enter.

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information

As a search result, one application service called Personal Debt Information is searched and exposed as a result. As a government service, Korea Asset Management Corporation is in charge, and it is marked with detailed information that a certificate, that is, a public certificate for identity verification is required. Click the Search button on the right and move on.

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information

<Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information Inquiry>

Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information Details
This step is to explain what kind of service you want to use now. This service for the purpose of providing information is a service that provides information on overall personal debt, such as the lender and remaining interest on personal debt, loan balance, and presence or absence of a guarantor.

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information

Please note that the information available for this service is limited. What this means is that it is not possible to check debts borrowed from all financial institutions on the market, and debts related to only the four financial institutions below are provided as information. The best way to check other debts is through the web pages of credit management companies such as All Credit or Nice Jikimi. Unfortunately, please check that there are limitations to this personal debt information inquiry service.


-Korea Asset Management Corporation

– National Happiness Fund Co., Ltd.

-Hope Moa Securitization Specialty Co., Ltd.

-Hanmaum Financial Co., Ltd.

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information

<Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information Inquiry>

View personal debt information

Once you have checked the basics about personal debt information services above, scroll down and check if there is a Search button. The contact for this service is the Korea Asset Management Corporation Customer Support Center. Then, click the ‘Search’ button and move on to the next step.

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information

<Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information Inquiry>

Personal Debt Information Enter personal information

Now, go to the step of entering personal information and moving to the order of debt inquiry. Be sure to enter all information correctly in the areas marked with an asterisk, prepare a certificate for identity verification, and a public certificate, then click the blue button labeled Identity Verification. If you click it, you will be directly connected to the order of verification of the accredited certificate. If you have prepared it in advance, you can conveniently enter the password and move on to the next step.

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information

<Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information Inquiry>

Use of personal debt information service

Now, a simple notification appears on the screen along with the applicant’s basic information. Some cautions are mentioned, such as the fact that guaranteed debts and inherited debts cannot be inquired with this service, and that the amount of bonds denominated in foreign currency may vary depending on the exchange rate. After checking the precautions below, go through the process of selecting both agreeing to the collection and use of personal information and unique identification information for each institution. If you are done checking, click the inquiry below to complete the order of requesting personal debt information inquiry service.

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information

<Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information Inquiry>

Check personal debt information
Finally, what appears on the screen is the personal debt information. Since I do not have any debt, only the letters ‘No debt information’ are displayed. If you have followed the steps well, you will be able to easily check your personal debt information.

Korea Asset Management Corporation personal debt information


However, the unfortunate thing is that only the debt information of the four financial institutions mentioned above is available, so information on other financial institutions is cumbersome, but I think I will have to use another website. I’ll try to sort this out in another post later.

Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information Korea Asset Management Corporation Personal Debt Information