보육통합정보시스템 사이트 Childcare integrated information system site

Integrated childcare information system website

What is the integrated childcare information system? It is an integrated system for efficiently managing children’s happiness card and reconsidering parental access to childcare service information and convenience of daycare centers and administrative agencies. In other words, to help children’s education and childrearing, we provide parents, daycare centers, administration, and voucher support systems.

Isarang Childcare Portal: A system that provides customized childcare service information considering the convenience of parents
Daycare center support system: A system that provides functions to efficiently operate a daycare center
Administrative support system: A system that supports the management of local government childcare centers, childcare fees, subsidy management, and child love card management
Voucher support system: A system that can manage deposit management, voucher management, settlement, statistics, etc. in real time through the financial payment network

보육통합정보시스템 사이트

To enter the Integrated Childcare Information System, search for ‘Integrated Childcare Information System’ on websites such as Naver and enter. 보육통합정보시스템 사이트

Go to Integrated Childcare Information System

Click the link above to go directly to the integrated childcare information system. Here you can do a number of things about what I’ve described above. 좋은뉴스

The integrated childcare information system is not used by ordinary people. Users are very limited.

Directors of daycare centers nationwide: 37,000
Ministry of Health and Welfare Local government childcare staff: 2,000
Persons in charge of related organizations: 2,000
Child care teachers: 8,500
Except for this person, I don’t think there is any need to enter the childcare integrated information system.

In the past, the integrated childcare information system was only available in Explorer, but recently it has been updated to run on Edge and Chrome. These changes are natural. The reason is that security problems may occur because Explorer is no longer supported by MS.