성장판 닫히는 시기 When growth plates close growth plates close

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Are you wondering when growth plates close for young individuals? It is an essential aspect of the growing process that parents and guardians should be aware of.

What are Growth Plates?

Growth plates are special areas located at the ends of a child’s bones that determine their final height. These plates are made up of cartilage and are responsible for bone growth during childhood and adolescence.

When Do Growth Plates Close?

Growth plates typically close during late adolescence, around the ages of 14-18 for girls and 16-20 for boys. However, the exact timing can vary from individual to individual.

Signs of Growth Plate Closure

As growth plates close, children may experience a growth spurt followed by a decrease in growth. This is a natural part of the growth process and is not a cause for concern.

How Growth Plate Closure Affects Physical Activity

Once growth plates close, bone growth stops, and the individual reaches their final height. This may impact their ability to participate in high-impact activities, as their bones are no longer growing and may be more at risk for injury.

Ways to Support Growth Plate Health

To support the health of growth plates, it is essential to ensure that children maintain a healthy diet rich in nutrients essential for bone growth, such as calcium and vitamin D. Encouraging regular physical activity can also help promote bone health.

Consulting a Healthcare Professional

If you have concerns about your child’s growth or the timing of their growth plate closure, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a pediatrician or orthopedic specialist. They can provide guidance and support to ensure your child’s growth and development are on track.


Understanding when growth plates close is crucial for parents and guardians to support the healthy growth and development of their children. It is a natural process that occurs during adolescence, impacting an individual’s final height and physical activity levels. By promoting a healthy lifestyle and seeking professional guidance when needed, parents can help ensure their child’s growth plates close properly and promote overall bone health.


1. What factors can affect the timing of growth plate closure?
2. Is it possible for growth plates to close too early or too late?
3. How can parents support their child’s bone health during growth plate closure?
4. Can injuries impact the closure of growth plates?
5. Are there any warning signs that growth plates are closing prematurely?
6. How can healthcare professionals determine if growth plates have closed?

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