카카오톡 고객센터 KakaoTalk Customer Center

Find KakaoTalk customer center phone number


KakaoTalk is a national messenger app used by almost everyone who currently uses a smartphone in Korea. Since mobile and PC versions exist separately, it is very useful not only for smartphones but also for desktop PCs.


Find KakaoTalk customer center phone number
Once KakaoTalk is installed, there is almost no need to contact the customer center unless it is a special problem, so most of them do not even know that there is a customer center.


카카오톡 고객센터


After launching the KakaoTalk app on your smartphone, click the gear-shaped icon at the top right of the screen, then click [All settings]. 카카오톡 고객센터





Click [Customer Center/Help] at the bottom of the screen and then click [Privacy Policy] in the Terms & Conditions area. 좋은뉴스 





If you move to the bottom of the Customer Center/Help screen and then move to the top of the screen, you can find the KakaoTalk Customer Center phone number [1577-3754] in the Personal Information Protection Officer (CPO, DPO) and the department in charge.


The purpose of finding out the KakaoTalk customer center phone number is to talk to a counselor over a wire and solve the problem, but as of October 31, 2018, KakaoTalk’s telephone consultation service has ended, so even if you call, you will only hear formal automatic responses. You are not connected to an agent.


In order to contact the KakaoTalk Customer Center, you must register [Kakao Customer Center Plus Friend] and then proceed with consultation through chat.





For other inquiries, click [Inquiry] on the Customer Center/Help screen, write the contents and attach the file to inquire. I’m not sure you’ll get the answer you want.