혈액형 궁합 blood type compatibility

blood type compatibility
Check couple love compatibility and blood formation
There is a very interesting blood type compatibility, so I’m posting it. Check it out for fun, whether you have a lover right now or are married. 혈액형 궁합

Who believes in blood types? 좋은뉴스

혈액형 궁합

Take a look at the blood type characteristics below and think about it carefully. Should I believe this or should I not believe it? You may become a blood type blind believer starting today.

Personality characteristics by blood type
First, let’s take a quick look at the personality characteristics of blood types A, B, O, and AB. When a man and a woman with these characteristics meet each other, look forward to what kind of compatibility will come out. Couple compatibility according to blood type combination can be checked under Characteristics by blood type.


type A.
A person who enjoys complicated things.
When you can’t stand it, it’s badly broken.
A weapon hidden behind a smile.
make the other person comfortable.
heart is clean.
Step by step in my head.
Losing sanity when upset.
Sometimes mind-reading?
Expression is clear.
A blood type with the best distinction between good and evil.

type B.
There are hairy corners.
An easy-going personality.
However, they also behave in their own way.
the tidy king
I never do anything I don’t want to do.
I have a strange hobby.
If you know me, is your heart warm?
A bit annoying at first
a striking impression
A lot of foolishness.
type O.
Quirkyness, wit and wit
make people crazy
always lively
bright smile angel
I don’t know if I’m ugly and I look good at other people
I can’t work when I’m hungry
I just hate being boring
Goes wild by himself
sometimes dark shadows
laughter is medicine

type AB
I hate being annoying
I don’t like being watched by others
tenderness in the cold
Weird and sometimes cute
behaving unruly
Are there many bitter smiles?
pretend not to care
always irritable
The one who suffers while thinking alone
Thinking of a bright tomorrow.

Blood type compatibility ranking
This is the ranking of male and female blood type compatibility.

for fun! Don’t forget that you are watching. Don’t look for things like blood type compatibility with a high divorce rate with this, just refer to it as having these characteristics.

Male and Female Blood Type Compatibility Ranking

1st. Female blood type A + male blood type O

2nd place. Female type O + male type A / Female type AB + male type AB

3rd place. female type AB + male type B

4th place. Female blood type O + male blood type B / female blood type B + male blood type AB


View Couples’ Blood Type Compatibility
woman man compatibility
A A A couple that takes a long time to fall in love together, but achieves a stable love
A B Two people with completely opposite personalities, so it can be a bit difficult?
A O A comfortable and good couple where each other can develop each other’s strengths
A AB A stable couple where both of them have calm personalities and acknowledge each other’s strengths
B A We are attracted to each other because we have different personalities, but there is room for frequent quarrels.
B B We may bump into each other often, but it’s OK if we respect each other!
B O A couple that works well when concentrating and playing hard when playing
B AB Men are cool and women are hot. One side can be a yearning love
O A One can feel lonely but can rely on each other
O B Always in a high-tension, cheerful atmosphere and overflowing with excitement
O O Compatibility that requires consideration as they are overly immersed in each other’s hobbies or work
O AB A woman’s drive and a man’s judgment combine to make a fantastic couple.
AB A A love that is likely to get to know each other quickly, but slowly getting to know each other
AB B Even trivial things can cause trouble, but smooth love
AB O A couple with polarized personalities, but if they get along well, they are a perfect match.
Both AB and AB are friendly, like a soul mate that develops deeply

More about blood type compatibility. There is no need to be disappointed if your blood type compatibility with your loved one is not good. Because love is nonetheless.

It was a blood type compatibility view for fun.