중도퇴사자 연말정산 Year-end settlement of late retirees

Year-end settlement method for mid-term employees (ft. May, refund inquiry) Year-end settlement If you continue to work for the company, the company will do year-end tax settlement, but if you leave mid-term, you cannot proceed with the year-end tax settlement through the company. Therefore, those who leave mid-term may be confused about how to make … Read more

농업경영체등록확인서 Agricultural business registration confirmation

Issuance of confirmation of agricultural business registration You can now obtain a certificate of registration from your nearest eup, myeon, or dong. From September 22, 2020, it is available in 3,700 cities, counties, and towns across the country. Agricultural business registration confirmation and certificates necessary for application for agricultural (forestry)-related loans and subsidies can now … Read more

도로교통공단 이러닝센터 Road Traffic Authority e-Learning Center

Go to Road Traffic Authority e-learning center passenger education Passenger education is compulsory education on traffic safety knowledge that children and school bus passengers should know. Completion is possible through the e-learning education for the guardians of the Road Traffic Authority. Passenger carer education image Passenger carer education index Road Traffic Authority passenger education (training … Read more

연체기록 overdue record

How to delete overdue records. If interest or payment is not made on a set date, a delinquent record will be recorded. If you want to check these overdue records, you can do a credit information inquiry at a place such as Nice Jikimi.   However, even if you have paid the overdue amount, you … Read more